Date Submitted: 14 Oct 21

Early signs of someone about to have a stroke

According to a report by the World Stroke Organization, every year globally there are 16 million strokes and about 6 million deaths from this disease. The ability to recognize the symptoms of a stroke is crucial in saving that patient’s life. If you think someone is having a stroke, it’s important to get them to […]

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Date Submitted: 30 Sep 21

Worrying about children getting a sore throat when the weather is erratic

Children with “pharyngitis” is a common condition, so many parents are often very subjective and neglectful when their children are sick. However, in reality, this disease can cause many dangerous, even life-threatening complications. In countries with a tropical climate like Vietnam, sore throat is a very common disease in both adults and children at the […]

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Date Submitted: 16 Sep 21

Alarming the number of COVID-19 infections sharply increased in children!

In our country, the trend of children contracting COVID-19 is increasing rapidly. According to the Ministry of Health, at the beginning of August, up to 5% of total cases in Hanoi were children aged 0-5. Fortunately, there have been no deaths. From mid-August until now, every day, Ho Chi Minh City has to treat 1,900-2,900 […]

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Date Submitted: 15 Sep 21

Consequences of psychological trauma caused by covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has been causing mental and psychological damage to many people. In the field of mental health, experts say that this pandemic is causing a great shock and severe stress for people. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused great losses to all of humanity over the past two years, claiming the lives of more […]

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Date Submitted: 15 Sep 21

Treatment of cracked heels for diabetics

Diabetes is a disease that happens quite quietly but increases very quickly around the world and tends to be younger, according to the World Diabetes Association (IDF) statistics with more than 425 million people, That means 1 out of 11 people has diabetes. The disease reduces blood circulation, making it difficult for the body to […]

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Date Submitted: 15 Sep 21

Gynecological infections, if not treated promptly, will cause harm?

As women, we always have to face a lot of pressure: work, family and society, sad and happy things in life, we can solve cards, confide in others. However, not most of the sorrows can be said, especially the secret worries of women when faced with unwanted vaginal infections, also known as infections. gynecological. It […]

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Date Submitted: 12 Sep 21

Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (also known as rheumatoid arthritis) is a systemic disease that affects many other organs in the body. Find out the cause and symptoms of the disease to get the right treatment. What is the cause of rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the synovial fluid surrounding the joints is attacked by the immune […]

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Date Submitted: 12 Sep 21

Menorrhagia in puberty and what you need to know

Menorrhagia during puberty is menstrual bleeding that lasts more than 7 days or vaginal bleeding that persists even though a period has not yet been reached. During puberty, this condition causes anxiety, impaired concentration and leads to many other health problems. 1. Causes of menorrhagia during puberty When a girl starts menstruating, her hormone system […]

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Date Submitted: 10 Sep 21

Three things you need to avoid before going to bed to not cause liver damage

Gan được biết đến là cơ quan lầm lì nhất trong cơ thể người, nó không có thói quen phát tính hiệu nếu quá trình làm việc bị trục trặc dẫn đến việc nếu mắc bệnh gan bạn rất khó để phát hiện sớm và điều trị kịp thời.

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Date Submitted: 10 Sep 21

Warning 5 mistakes that put stroke people in danger

Đột quỵ còn được gọi là tai biến mạch máu não. Đây là tình trạng não bộ bị tổn thương nghiêm trọng do quá trình cấp máu não bị gián đoạn hoặc giảm đáng kể khiến não bộ bị thiếu oxy, không đủ dinh dưỡng để nuôi các tế bào.

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