How should a feminine hygiene solution be chosen?

25 Oct 2021 by Trân Trương

Feminine hygiene solution not only cleans but also helps you to protect your “little girl” safely against fungal, bacterial, and odor-causing agents.

What is feminine hygiene solution?

Feminine hygiene solution has long been a “companion”, an effective assistant for women in caring for and taking care of their “little girl” with main uses including cleaning the area. Clean, sealed, pH balanced, well protects beneficial bacteria, destroys, prevents the outbreak of harmful bacteria, supports the growth of good bacteria lactobacillus very important for negative health direction, thereby preventing, repelling, or supporting the treatment of gynecological inflammatory diseases, besides having the task of deodorizing, restoring, improving, and brightening the skin around the intimate area, helping women I am more confident in all daily activities and communication, especially in improving the quality of marriage and family life.

You can buy feminine hygiene products at any pharmacy or store without a prescription from your doctor. If you feel the need to clean your private area more thoroughly, use a feminine hygiene solution. You can also use this product while pregnant or menstruating.

How to use feminine hygiene solution properly?

Using feminine hygiene solution is extremely simple. First, take a small amount of feminine hygiene solution into your hand and apply it to the outside of the vaginal area. Then, gently massage the vaginal area and then rinse with clean water. After cleaning, you should dry with a soft, clean cloth.

You can use feminine hygiene solution once a day in the shower, avoiding overuse. In addition, you should only use the product to clean the outside, not the inside of the vagina.

The habit of douching can affect the balance of bacteria in this area and cause some dangerous effects such as:

  • Vaginal Infections: Douching will upset the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina and create an opportunity for harmful bacteria to grow, causing vaginal infections and increasing the risk of premature birth. as well as endometriosis. Studies suggest that women who don’t douching are less likely to get bacterial vaginosis.
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. Research has shown that women who douche are 73% more likely to develop pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Pregnancy complications: Women who douche more than once a week have a harder time getting pregnant than those who don’t. In addition, douching can also increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy by up to 76%, and this risk is directly proportional to how often you douche.
  • Cervical cancer: If you douche once a week, your risk of cervical cancer is higher than someone who doesn’t douche.

Mistake in choosing cleaning solution

Although the benefits are many, choosing to buy an improper cleaning solution is a “potential danger” for your own V-zone. Here are some common mistakes women make:

On the market today, there are many products with diverse ingredients and materials, as well as functional uses that can be specialized, creating a difference for the product itself. Therefore, the choice must depend on the purpose of use as well as whether each person is suitable or not.

However, many women buy cleaning solutions in the wrong way, specifically not paying attention to product ingredients, only interested in other things such as packaging with harmonious colors, beautiful shapes, looking luxurious, Noble, famous brand instead of having to find out what ingredients the cleaning solution contains, is it suitable for all skin types, does it cause dryness or not, etc.

Or are you only interested in products that guarantee maximum sterilization but forget that some of these products are often highly antiseptic, so they may kill the good bacteria in the vaginal environment, making the balance The pH in it is changed, harmful bacteria thrive.

Or just interested in products that create a strong, long-lasting scent, even as fragrant as possible. Stemming from the purpose of wanting to repel unpleasant odors in the private area and women think this is the most suitable, convenient and fastest solution, but they do not know that scented hygiene products often contain many substances. Toxic chemicals such as benzene, ester, .. can increase the ability of bacteria to multiply quickly, causing skin rash, skin irritation and redness, etc.

Or simply follow the instructions of other people (relatives, friends) but forget a basic thing that “one person can use medicine but others may not”, that is, feminine hygiene products depend on Each person’s own body may or may not cause irritation to the “little girl” skin.

Even some women who choose low-priced products, of unknown origin, place of manufacture, and without a production or business license can also make them “regret” when they have the ability to use them. Using materials that are not safe for the intimate area, cheap chemicals, and improper production.

How to choose feminine hygiene solution?

Choosing a good feminine hygiene solution is very important because this product directly affects the health of the private area:

  • Choose cleaning solution products of clear origin, suitable for the skin around the private area, do not irritate the skin, do not cause itching.
  • Prioritize products with natural, safe and effective ingredients and ingredients, free of harmful chemicals such as Parabens, SLS
  • Choose products that have a light scent, not too heavy or keep the scent for too long.
  • Should choose products with ingredients and compounds to help moisturize and restore the “girl” skin safely
  • Ensure antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, clean, deodorize at a mild level, do not cause dryness, do not destroy beneficial bacteria.
  • There are ingredients to help maintain and balance the pH at the ideal level as recommended, for example, lactic acid has a very good cleansing ability and also helps maintain the balance of vaginal pH, maintaining an acidic environment around. vagina but also prevent the growth of bacteria
  • For women who have had gynecological diseases, it is necessary to carefully read the ingredients, instructions for use and especially, consult a doctor.

Therefore, you need to carefully study the ingredients in the feminine hygiene product you want to buy and prioritize the following types:

  • Feminine hygiene solution is extracted from natural herbs. Turmeric essential oil contains active ingredients Lipopolysaccharide and anti-oxidant active ingredients, inhibits viruses, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, helps heal wounds, does not leave scars, cleans dark spots, maintains structure Collagen helps skin firm, anti-wrinkle, prevent aging, regulate sebum, exfoliate dead skin cells. Moreover, turmeric essential oil also has many nutrients such as Protein, Fiber, Niacin, Vitamin C
  • Pure tea tree oil has a special effect against fungi, including Candida (a type of yeast that causes chronic gynecological diseases), helps inhibit viruses, and aids in wound healing.
  • Feminine hygiene solution containing Olive oil: The composition of olive oil contains a lot of vitamins A, E, K, D … have antioxidant effects, avoiding damage to the skin.
  • Using olive oil will help moisturize, regenerate, soften the skin of the intimate area, help the private area become rosy and brighter.
    Feminine hygiene solution does not affect vaginal pH, safe during menstruation and pregnancy.
  • Feminine wash containing sodium lauryl sulphate: Sodium lauryl sulphate is a common ingredient in shampoos and soaps that cleans bacteria and dirt from the vagina. Moreover, this substance also helps you to prevent infection.

To get the most out of your product, you need to choose the cleaning solution that works best for you.

Choicare daily feminine hygiene solution is a specialized product for women extracted from natural herbs. Especially, turmeric essential oil, tea tree oil imported from Australia, menthol combined with olive oil, vitamin E, vitamin B5, have antibacterial, antifungal, deodorant, and skin-nourishing effects. , reduce darkening, help the private area always clean, dry, light fragrance and does not affect the pH of the private area. Suitable for both men and women, pregnant and menstruating women.

In addition, Choicare Daily Feminine Hygiene Solution has been tested at Pasteur Institute for bactericidality up to 99.9%, the composition does not contain heavy metals. Extracted from natural herbs, so it does not cause irritation, safe for private skin.

Products of Chan Tam Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd




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